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The Health Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

Often when we think of exercise during pregnancy, we think of cardio or maybe a low impact perinatal fitness class. Cardio during pregnancy can be healthy when approved by your OB or midwife; however, cardio is not the only exercise regimen that provides health and wellness. During the very first few days of pregnancy a hormone called relaxin is released. This hormone helps hip joints to have more flexibility and to help the pelvis expand and grow during pregnancy. Relaxin can cause hip joints to be sore sometimes.

How One Breast Cancer Survivor Overcame Her Diagnosis

Bernadette G. was never a fan of doctor’s offices or annual check-ups and vowed to avoid them whenever she could. But, when a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer, she began to prioritize her health, taking proactive steps by regularly performing breast self-exams at home. Shortly after getting into this new routine, Bernadette became anxious as she noticed a small, marble-like lump on the lower part of her left breast.

Do you feel safe with your partner?

Your situation does not need to resemble the worst domestic violence movie to be a threat to you and your children. Even if your partner uses power in just one way that makes you feel uncomfortable, controlled or without choices, it is time for things to change. If symptoms are severe, it may be time to make a safety plan. It is hard to decide if you need to leave. When you do decide to leave, you will need a safety plan. The first 72 hours after a partner leaves an abusive relationship are the most dangerous. A little planning can keep you safe.

Be Mindful of Your Bones, Joints and Ligaments!

Like the steel framework of a high-rise building, our body’s skeletal structure and connecting tissues support our active lifestyles throughout the day. Unlike a building’s framework, we can actually strengthen and improve our internal framework every day to stay healthy and avoid injuries.

October is Healthy Bone and Joint Month, so active people of all ages, especially aging adults, should “listen to their body” and take stock of what hurts after mowing the yard, walking the dog or competing in weekend sports.

Lovelace Women’s Hospital NICU Reunion

Once a year, Lovelace Women’s Hospital welcomes former Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients back for a reunion unlike any other. It is a time for NICU graduates and their families to reunite with the team that cared for their precious little ones in the NICU. On this day, we celebrate the miracles that were once tiny babies, now growing toddlers and children filled with spirit and personality.

Lovelace Medical Group Surgeon Solves Patient's Undiagnosed Condition After 10-Year Battle

For 10 years, Michael F. experienced random, 24 - hour periods where he would become violently ill, in what he described as, “the closest [he’s] ever felt to death.” These bouts of sickness led him to the emergency room many times looking for answers. He tried to speak with his doctor about his symptoms to no avail.

Fitness During Pregnancy

As a childbirth educator and doula, I have always maintained a holistic mind frame of the human body and its functions. When I am teaching a childbirth education class or attending a birth as a doula, I am always amazed at how every function of our bodies has a purpose. During my classes, I work hard to convey how body and mind work together in both pregnancy and birth. Maintenance and preparation for this dual relationship between mind and body is just as vital.

How does exercise and fitness play a role in a healthy pregnancy?

How to Handle UTIs

When you begin experiencing the burning urgency to open your bladder, despite having just gone to the bathroom, there’s a good chance your mind goes right to a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are common but nonetheless irritating. It’s tempting to reach for a bottle of cranberry juice, take some over-the-counter (OTC) meds and ride it out, but these methods will not get rid of an infection and may simply mask symptoms.

Understanding Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is very common among adults. Despite how many people have high blood pressure, many are unaware they even have it because it’s often experienced without any symptoms at all, only identified only through a blood pressure reading. And while blood pressure readings can be conveniently measured at home, many adults are unfamiliar with what to look for and how to translate the results.

The Milk Depot at Lovelace Women’s Hospital

In collaboration with the Human Milk Repository of New Mexico (HMRNM), Lovelace Women’s Hospital and Lovelace Labor of Love have teamed up to create a donation station for human breast milk. The site is located at 101 Hospital Loop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, just behind Lovelace Women’s Hospital. The Milk Depot @ Lovelace Women’s Hospital will accept breastmilk donations for the HMRNM from their approved donors. Donations are accepted between noon and 3 p.m. Monday – Friday and we offer curbside service. No need to leave your car!

Diapers: More Than Stink

It is easy to think of diaper changing as the stinky work that nobody wants to do. True, there are some uncomfortable moments and some less than fragrant smells, but these few minutes with your baby can tell a person more than you might consider. Diapers are an excellent barometer of the quality of feeding for breastfeeding mothers and the perfect chance for bonding. The kind of diapers used are not important when it comes to checking feedings or bonding. The type of diaper used is important when cost, time and the environment are considered.  

Matters of the Heart: Coronary Artery Events in Women

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the number one killer of women, accounting for one in every five female deaths. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) Go Red for Woman campaign, one out of three deaths in women is related to either a heart attack or stroke. These are frightening statistics! It is important to familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of heart disease and how they differ between men and women.   

Staff at Lovelace Women’s Hospital Helps Family Cope With ‘Terrifying Situation’

While pregnant on a trip to California with her husband, Kyle, in September 2019, Connie suddenly became very ill and swollen.

Still concerned about her health once she arrived back home in New Mexico days later, her mother encouraged her to go to the doctor. She was worried  she may be experiencing preeclampsia, a complication usually experienced later in pregnancy that causes organ damage.

A Colon Cancer Survivor’s Message to Neighbors and Friends

In 2010, during a routine physical, Christopher H.’s doctor suggested a colonoscopy. As a 51-year-old at the time, Christopher knew it was a good idea, especially considering his family history of colon cancer, but his fear of knowing if anything was amiss prevented him from undergoing the procedure.

Overcoming Obstacles

Lisa Markland and her husband Dave Markland completed the 10K for the Run, Walk & Roll event on the C&O Canal towpath that went from Darnestown to Potomac, Maryland and back. Her husband is a very healthy 62-year-old Coast Guard veteran but Lisa’s story is a bit unique, and why they chose this particular race challenge (for her, this was a true challenge in every way). She wanted to share it with us.

First LVAD Patient in New Mexico is Doing Great Nearly Four Years Later

Arturo Madrid, 82, is doing exceptionally well after undergoing the first LVAD implant procedure performed in New Mexico at the Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center on December 19, 2017.

Arturo and his wife Pilar waged a long and frustrating battle with Arturo’s deteriorating health to no avail until a patient referral led them to Albuquerque and the Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center.

Therapists at Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital Help TBI Patient on Road to Miracle Recovery

On August 2, 2020, Brandon Esquibel was going to meet a friend when the unthinkable happened: he had to make a split-second decision when a truck was barreling toward him from behind as he was approaching a red light on his motorcycle. Brandon knew he had two options: get slammed by the truck or speed through the red light hoping he’d make it to the other side of the road safely. He took a shot crossing the intersection and collided with another vehicle.

Welcoming a New Sibling

“Having a sibling means you are never truly alone here.” – Roar, 10 years old