Lovelace Westside Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation

Lovelace Westside Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation
10511 Golf Course Rd NW, Suite 205
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Phone: 505.727.2123
Lovelace Westside Hospital’s outpatient rehabilitation clinic provides a full continuum of outpatient care, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, massage therapy and a number of specialty rehabilitation services. Each treatment program varies depending upon your needs, but each is intensive and coordinated to help you return to your prior level of function.
- Activities of daily living training
- Brain injury
- Chronic pain
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Concussion treatment
- Fall prevention/balance
- Foot and ankle rehabilitation
- Hand and upper extremity clinic
- Massage therapy
- Occupational health
- Orthopedic/post surgical upper/lower extremity rehabilitation
- Speech therapy
- Spine rehabilitation
- Sports medicine
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Swallowing program
- Upper extremity rehabilitation
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Vital-Stim
To schedule an appointment, please call 505.727.4725