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Five Things Your Friends with Food Allergies Want You to Know

Chances are you know someone with a food allergy or diet restriction of some kind. We may worry about what to make, where to go, how to act and what is the social decorum for our friends with food allergies? The main concepts to remember are to ask, listen and respect. People are at different places with their food allergies. When a person is brand new at eating in a completely different way, it can be emotional and difficult for him or her. If he or she says no to a particular food, please don’t pressure them.

Why Babies Cry

Babies cry. There is no way around it. They can’t talk and tell you what is upsetting them, so they cry. As your baby becomes familiar with the many nuances of life outside the womb, it may help to remember all the changes he or she is experiencing.

What about “right now?”

Twenty years ago, I huddled around an empty chocolate tin. I had three kids and a husband. It was New Year’s Eve in Y2K (the year 2000). We decided to make a time capsule. We would open it in 2020. Back then, 2020 felt like eons away. On New Year’s Day of this year, that same family, now with four kids, opened that time capsule. I can only remember one tiny item we placed inside that chocolate tin of hopes, dreams, and remembrances. It was a tiny diaper for the now 22-year-old! She was very impressed by it.

History of Midwifery in New Mexico

The history of midwifery in New Mexico comes from a long linage of rural, indigenous, and modern midwives. Midwives are often much more to their patients and communities than birth assistants. They are the caregivers and empowerers of women and thusly families and communities. A women’s reproductive life starts long before she has a child and lasts throughout the lifespan.

Nurses Week 2020

Lovelace Women’s Hospital is filled with employees who are ready and prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic we are facing. We are lucky to have people who are innovative, smart and pride themselves on giving our patients exceptional care, while maintaining a safe environment for all involved.

Trends in Obstetric Nursing

On the heels of National Nurses’ Day (May 6), I asked my co-worker, who has been a Labor and Delivery nurse for over 20 years, to reflect on her experience. She shared:

National Nurses Week 2020

Being noble is defined as having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.) There are a few noble professions in this world. Practicing medicine is one of them. And being a nurse is perhaps the noblest in the house of medicine." - Angelo Falcone

This year, 2020, has been designated as the Year of the Nurse and of the Midwife. However, the focus for the year so far has been the concentration on the coronavirus pandemic.

Combat social distancing with technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has reignited the practice of social distancing. Advised by government and health officials, social distancing is essential to slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

To keep our patients and staff safe, we now have a no-visitor policy with few exceptions until further notice.

Activities for You & Your Children

Re-engage, Reconnect and Make Memories!

Unexpected time at home can be a transition. There can be added stressors when you are worried about work and illness. Try taking a few moments to re-engage and reconnect with your family. Make some memories. If you’re looking for activities to keep your toddler or young child busy, learning and entertained, check out the ideas below!

For Toddlers

7 Tips for Mental Health when Social Distancing

Managing stress and anxiety during this time of uncertainty will make you, and those around you stronger. If you are practicing social distancing or home quarantining here are a few helpful tips to maintain and improve your mental health.

When to see a doctor for sleep problems

We all know how great a good night’s sleep makes us feel, and how groggy we feel if we don’t get enough shut eye. If you are continuously not getting quality sleep, you may have a sleep disorder.

A sleep disorder is a condition that impairs your ability to sleep or causes increased sleepiness during the day. Everyone can experience sleep problems from time to time, but if you are regularly experiencing sleep issues, you might not be getting proper sleep at night. Some common characteristics of sleep disorders include:

NICU Twins Have Identical Recovery at Lovelace Women's Hospital

This year Alysia Martinez got that happy news that her family was going to be growing, however it was by one more than expected. Martinez found out she was having twins.

“Both my side and Daddy's side have a history of twins. When I found out I was pregnant I was very much surprised,” says Martinez. “His dad is a father of twins, his aunt has a set of twins and my grandmother had a set of twins.”

Surviving Football Sunday: Tips to Stay Healthy

As we ring in the New Year, the nation also welcomes playoff football. It’s a no brainer that game days can be filled with large quantities of food and alcohol, and long periods of time sitting front of the television.

Karla Giese, DNP, NP, BC-ADM, CDE, a diabetes specialist with Lovelace Medical Group, provides tips for making healthy choices on game days:

Don’t go out with an empty tank.

What Can Fathers Expect During Labor and Delivery?

Many first-time fathers do not know what to expect when preparing for the birth of their child. It may seem very overwhelming, intense and complicated when thinking about the birth process. You may have your own worries and concerns outside that of the mother and new baby. Here are some steps on how to prepare for the birth of your child:

The Benefits of Working with a Doula

A doula, also known as a birth companion, is a trained professional in childbirth. The word doula comes from the Greek meaning “a woman who serves” or “handmaiden.” Doulas can provide educational, physical and emotional support to an expectant mother and her family during pregnancy, labor and delivery. Knowledge eases anxiety, while increasing the satisfaction of the birth process. A doula is not a replacement for your partner, but a trustworthy, educated, prepared, mentor and coach.

Blue Genes

When I look into the mirror, I see me. ButI also see my mother. Yes, as we age, we can see our parents appearing right in front of us due to our genetics. There will be a certain way we look, gain weight, walk and even cross our legs based on genetics. Styles, as well as sizes, will come and go through the generations, but the need for comfort and panache in a pair of jeans remains static. Blue jeans have been in fashion since 1871, and your genes as well will never be out of fashion.

How can I bond with my baby during pregnancy?

Bonding with your baby during pregnancy is called attachment. Pregnancy is an ideal time to start the attachment process, which affects development significantly during pregnancy and after the baby arrives. Bonding with your baby is similar during pregnancy as it will be after baby is born. You can send loving signals to your baby through senses like hearing, language, memory, sight and touch.

Learning From Your Genes

Anytime I am on social media, I’m amazed at the number of ads lately for DNA testing. There are so many companies to choose from and so many different features they cover. What can our DNA tell us? What do our genes have to do with our present and daily life? Why the interest in the past and our ancestors?

Holiday Guests: Keep Them Healthy and Happy

Getting together with friends and family is the best part of this season. If you have the responsibility of hosting guests, you’ve got a lot to plan to make sure your guests are happy and comfortable. Making sure everyone is healthy should also be at the top of your priorities.

There are many to promote healthy habits and create a safe environment for all your house guests. Follow these tips and you’ll have each room guest-ready!