
January 20, 2021

Making True Apologies

Are you the one who never apologizes? Not because you are never sorry, but because it is just difficult to deal with all the feelings of an apology. Or, are you one who says “sorry” every five minutes? You are late: “sorry.” You bump into a chair on the way into the room:... Read More
January 13, 2021

January: The month of changes

Did you have trouble finding a treadmill at the gym today? That can happen in January when everyone has made a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. Do you have a new diet to go with your new year? My best friend has lost weight using the Keto method of dieting. My boss has lost weight with... Read More
January 12, 2021

Unexpected Check-Up Leads to Life Saving Diagnosis

Donald Ortiz knows the importance of getting routine physicals done. So, when Dr. Fredie Diaz, primary care provider with Lovelace Medical Group, suggested he do a full work-up after missing an annual physical, Donald had no hesitance to do so. This full work-up at his visit was a critical part of... Read More
January 6, 2021

Home visiting: Improving outcomes for children

What is home visiting? Home visiting is a valuable resource from trusted, knowledgeable community members for young families and it’s free! Home visiting is a prevention strategy to support pregnant moms and new parents to promote infant and child health. Part of this prevention involves... Read More
December 31, 2020

What if time does not heal all wounds?

Time, by itself, does not heal anything. The pain lessons in intensity, but healing does not happen by just passing time. You may have heard the adage, “Time heals all wounds”. This is not a truth. Time helps ease the pain, but true healing means the wounds are still there with newness... Read More
December 8, 2020

Lovelace Medical Center Nurse Residents Graduate Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Alex Garnat, BSN, RN, stepped onto the truck and into the emergency at hand to care for his community of Albuquerque, New Mexico for more than 25 years as a paramedic. He fulfilled his purpose of caring for people in all situations, but his desire to bring his clinical expertise into the hospital... Read More
September 16, 2020

Why do babies cry?

Should I let my baby “cry it out?” Babies have one way to tell you they are hurt, hungry, sad, scared or uncomfortable: they cry. In human babies, crying is the first form of communication. Studies abound with “proof,” fancy words, diagrams, charts and the opinions from many... Read More
September 9, 2020

Safe Sleep

This is never an easy topic. SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is when an infant one year or younger dies an unexplained death during sleep. There is nobody to blame for this type of death, but there are safe sleep guidelines that do reduce the risk of SIDS. Newborns can sleep up to 16 hours a... Read More
September 3, 2020

Power to the Pump

The journey of breastfeeding looks different for every family. Certain circumstances require moms to pump more often, or place of, skin-to-skin feedings. If you find yourself in this boat, we share words of wisdom from your collaborative fellow pumpers: From Jadie: “’Pumping exclusively... Read More
September 2, 2020

Health vs. Wellness

Aren’t health and wellness the same thing? Actually, no. Health and wellness are not the same, but they do complement one another. It is similar to how your body and mind are linked. How you treat your body affects your mental health and how you think affects what happens to your body. Health... Read More