Virtual Care Doctors

Click on a provider to view more information. To schedule a virtual care appointment with a specialist, you must be an established patient of that provider. Primary Care accepts new or established patients for virtual visits.

Catherine Mahoney, ACNPC-AG, CNP

Catherine Mahoney, ACNPC-AG, CNP

Khadija Mamsa, M.D.
Internal Medicine, Primary Care

Reagan Martin, PA-C
General Surgery

Jeffrey Mazer, MD

Jeffrey Mazer, M.D.

Sean Mazer, M.D., FHRS, FACC, NMHI President

Erica McBride, D.O., F.A.C.S.
General Surgery, Robotic Surgery

Laura McDermott, CNP, MSN, CACP

Laura McDermott, CNP, MSN, CACP

Rebecca McKee, FNP-BC
Family Medicine, Primary Care

Audra McKillip-Heard, MSN, CNM, RN

Richard Meredick, MD

Leslie Monagle, FNP

Tonia Montoya, FNP
Primary Care, Family Medicine

Jeffrey Morehouse, M.D.

Jeffrey Morehouse, M.D.
Breast Care, Plastic Surgery

Jason E. Mudd, M.D.
Ear, Nose & Throat

Mohan Muvvala, D.O.
Primary Care, Family Medicine

Sivakumar Nagaraju, MD

Sivakumar Nagaraju, M.D.
Pulmonology, Sleep Medicine

Sandeep G. Nair, M.D., CEPS-A

Sandeep G. Nair, M.D., CEPS-A

Patrisia Enriquez Najera, RN, BSN, CNM
Obstetrics, Gynecology

Debra Ann Narcisse, ANP-C

Debra Ann Narcisse, ANP-C
Family Medicine, Primary Care

Leandra Nier, ACNP-BC
Primary Care, Family Medicine

Nicole Nunez, NP
Primary Care

Deron Ottey, MD

Sarah Pack, APRN, FNP-BC
Sleep Medicine

Cassandra Lynn Padilla, FNP-C
Urgent Care

Mario Pardo-Friedman, M.D., FACOG, MAcc
Obstetrics, Gynecology

Christina Parks, NP
General Surgery

Stephanie Parks, DPM, FACFAS

Ben Paruchuri, M.D.

Lakshmi Parvathaneni, M.D.

Tania D. Pence, DO

Virtual care services are offered by the employed providers of Lovelace Medical Group, which are physician practices affiliated with Lovelace Health System. Services are available for new and existing patients. There are no charges to the doctors for this service. Referrals are given on a rotating basis, but the final selection of a physician is based on your needs and preferences.