Recent News

March 8, 2021

Lovelace Women's Hospital - Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Did you know that high blood pressure can affect your heart health? Diana Kaufman, FNP of New Mexico Heart Institute/Lovelace Medical Group explains it all in this video! Read More
March 8, 2021

Lovelace Women's Hospital - Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Heart Attacks

Join Dr. Mridula Rai, cardiologist with New Mexico Heart Institute/Lovelace Medical Group, as she discusses the causes, symptoms and prevention of heart attacks. Read More
March 8, 2021

Lovelace Women's Hospital - Heart Month 2021

Celebrate National Heart Month with us! Read More
March 2, 2021

Welcoming a New Sibling

“Having a sibling means you are never truly alone here.” – Roar, 10 years old Juggling two or more children has its own challenges, but the biggest worry for most parents who are welcoming the second child, is how the first child will react to the new baby. Adding another person... Read More
February 24, 2021

Lovelace Cardiology Heart Month Healthy Foods

In honor of February being National Heart Month, Lovelace Women’s Hospital dietician teaches us what types of food can help us eat a healthy diet and which foods we should try to limit. Click here for some... Read More
February 17, 2021

Compassionate Language

“Her urine test came back dirty. She is a drug user.” OR “She tested positive for an illegal substance. She may have substance use disorder.” Do you notice the difference in the words used in each sentence? The same person is experiencing the same outcome, but the first... Read More
February 8, 2021

Heart Health and Baby Health

Pregnancy is a unique time for mom and baby. Women generally self-seek medical advice during pregnancy, making it an optimal time to start healthy habits. It’s even better to have a healthy heart before conception, however, starting anytime is better than not starting at all. Having healthy... Read More
February 8, 2021

Lovelace Women’s Hospital Offering Single Dose Radiation Therapy to Treat Breast Cancer

ALBUQUERQUE – February 8, 2021 – Lovelace Women’s Hospital is now performing single-dose radiation therapy for breast cancer that demonstrates the same efficacy as traditional 6-week radiotherapy and is significantly more convenient and less stressful for patients. Calvin Ridgeway... Read More
February 3, 2021

Managing Our Collective Grief

A friend came up with the best theme for 2020 that I’ve heard yet: “But wait…there’s more!” Between COVID-19, fires, hurricanes, loneliness, job loss and a presidential campaign, we are all feeling a little wearier and heavier of heart. There is a name for this... Read More
January 26, 2021

Mother sings praises for Labor of Love program for expectant moms

Labor of Love To Labor of Love, thank you for being with me throughout my pregnancy. I know pregnancy is... Read More