Virtual Care Doctors

Click on a provider to view more information. To schedule a virtual care appointment with a specialist, you must be an established patient of that provider. Primary Care accepts new or established patients for virtual visits.

Luis Cerda, M.D.
Cardiothoracic Surgery

Lucas Chacon-Lutrick, M.D.

Lucas Chacon-Lutrick, M.D.

Andrea Chavez, FNP

Colbert Chavez, M.D.
Sleep Medicine

Christina Chen, M.D.
Family Medicine, Primary Care

Jill Clark, MD, FACS, FASCRS
General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery

Stacey Clegg, M.D.
Interventional Cardiology

Kathleen Colleran, MD

Kelly Conklin, FNP-C
Urgent Care

Lynette Connacher PA
Emergency General Surgery, General Surgery

Darcy Cooke, PA-C
Breast Care

Bridget Coyne, CNP

Micaela Dagucon, M.D.
Ear, Nose & Throat

Genevieve Davis, FNP

Fredie Diaz, M.D.

Fredie Diaz, M.D.
Internal Medicine, Primary Care

Howard Diaz, PA-C, MPAS

Howard Diaz, PA-C, MPAS

Katrina Dowdy, CNM
Obstetrics, Gynecology

Rebecca Dworkin, CNM
Gynecology, Obstetrics

Sarah East-Brumana, PA-C
Family Medicine, Primary Care

Luka Exelby, ACNP

Julie Farrer, M.D.

Julie Farrer, M.D.

David Freeman, M.D., FACS
General Surgery

Leah Fry, AuD
Ear, Nose & Throat

Ximena Galarza-Rios, M.D.
Family Medicine, Primary Care

Rosa Galvez, MD, MBA

Rosa Galvez, M.D., MBA
Internal Medicine, Primary Care

Viral Gandhi, M.D.

Viral Gandhi, M.D.

Aaron Geswaldo, D.O.

Aaron Geswaldo, D.O.

Craig Gilcrease, PA-C
General Surgery

Addie Gillespie, CNM, FNP-C
Obstetrics, Gynecology

Patrick Gilligan, M.D.

Virtual care services are offered by the employed providers of Lovelace Medical Group, which are physician practices affiliated with Lovelace Health System. Services are available for new and existing patients. There are no charges to the doctors for this service. Referrals are given on a rotating basis, but the final selection of a physician is based on your needs and preferences.