
NICU Reunion at Lovelace Women’s Hospital – One Mother’s Two-Year Journey

For first-time expectant mothers, the journey of pregnancy is filled with excitement, from time to time a few anxious thoughts of what’s ahead and the realization that life is about to change. For Laura Huval, a typical pregnancy took a dramatic turn at 26 weeks.  

“My blood pressure was extremely high, and my platelets were very low,” Huval recalls. “I was in danger of my liver failing and going into renal failure.”

Lovelace Health Plan Employee Loses 101 Pounds

Arleen Posnansky, a Lovelace Health Plan employee has lost 101 lbs in the past 3 ½ years. She credits her success to Weight Watcher's, Herbalife and Zumba. She first joined Weight Watcher's and began learning portion control, and a new way of eating and tracking your food. Arleen also realized she needed to be more active. She began by walking more and riding her bike. One day she was introduced to Zumba and this quickly became her passion.

A Diagnosis with a Team Approach: Lovelace Tumor Boards

A cancer diagnosis can not only be a life-changing event, but a time of great uncertainty, stress and overwhelming emotion. At Lovelace Cancer Care, our integrated program and approach is designed to fight cancer with the latest technology, skilled physicians and belief that you are more than your diagnosis. In fact, our patients have a team of physicians who meet weekly to discuss treatment plans for patients on an individual basis. In the words of one of our patients, "Whereas I walked in as a one-man army, I walked out with a whole team behind me."


Lovelace Health System Kicks Off United Way Campaign

The Lovelace United Way campaign kicks of August 20. Here are five questions with Lovelace United Way Campaign Chairman, Ron Prager.

What is the goal for Lovelace’s contribution to the United Way campaign?
This year’s goal is to exceed last year’s total by 5%.   Last year Lovelace Health System contributed $439,598.00.

What does raising money for the United Way mean for our community?

Shark Week Returns: What We Can Learn from a Shark's Diet

This is the 25th anniversary of Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week.” The popular show has become a viewing frenzy for fans who have an up-close look at one of the most feared animals in their natural habitat. From the comfort of living rooms, 20+ million viewers peer into the daily lives of sharks. There are more than 400 types of sharks of all sizes and colors. However, when we think of sharks, typically our next thought is what they eat.

Back to School Basics: Overall Health Checklist

It is that time of year again. Parents, teachers and children are starting a new year with freshly sharpened pencils, clean sheets of paper and expectations that this school year will be a great one. It is also that time of year when hundreds of children fill the halls at the first bell, leaving sun-filled days of summer but not necessarily the germs behind. As we gather for nine months of academic achievement, here is an overall health checklist to get everyone off to a healthy start.

A Summer of Giving: Lovelace Junior Volunteers

It is a cup of coffee delivered to a family member in the surgery waiting area. It could be a smile from a nurse at the end of their shift. It may even be a completely different view of what a hospital is really like.

Bronchial Thermoplasty is now being offered at Lovelace Women’s Hospital.

Bronchial Thermoplasty is a procedure for the treatment of severe persistent asthma in patients 18 year or older whose asthma is not well controlled with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta medications. The procedure uses thermal energy to reduce the excessive airway smooth muscle responsible for airway constriction in asthma patients, thereby providing long-lasting control in adults with severe asthma.

For more information, you can visit or contact Chest Medicine of New Mexico at 821-5992.

Preschool TV Habits Linked to 4th-Grade Waist Size, Fitness

The amount of TV preschoolers watch seems to contribute to what their waist size and athletic abilities will be when they reach fourth grade, researchers report.

The study, from researchers at the University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Mother and Child University Hospital in Canada, found that every hour of TV children aged 2½ to 4½ years old watched not only added to their waistline but also affected their ability to perform in sports.

Introducing Labor of Love

Recently Lovelace Health System introduced a new program to expectant mothers in New Mexico called Labor of Love.  Through this free program, members can enjoy not only no cost perks, such as prenatal yoga classes and mommy message to name a few, but also the peace of mind that someone is continually helping them through the process from finding an obstetrician, assistance with health insurance, planning where they will deliver, and making sure their needs are being met.