cfenoglio's blog

Golfer happily back on the course after knee replacement

Linda Lenehan has led a very active life.

While her banker husband was at work, Lenehan raised two children, which many would say is plenty of activity. She also kept the family fed, repaired things around the house and called someone to repair what she couldn’t.

Parents see improvement after son’s speech therapy sessions

When a parent wants the best possible medical care for a child, he or she is willing to do whatever it takes, including making changes.

Kayla Irish, a 33-year-old respiratory therapist who lives in Roswell, NM with her husband Josh and their two sons, Jaxton (4) and Nolan (1), is one such parent.

When their oldest son Jax was diagnosed with “delayed speech” last year, their pediatrician referred them to Kaylin Bartlett SLP, a local speech-language therapist. Irish quickly saw improvement in Jax’s speech under Bartlett’s care.

Therapies spark improvements in speech and eating difficulties

Azucena Medina knew that her five-year-old daughter Alanys would need specialized care to assist her development.

Born at 24 weeks gestation, Alanys has developmental delays that include speech and eating difficulties. Alanys is also on the autism spectrum, which complicates matters further.

ER and NICU teams act quickly when the unexpected happens to first-time parents

Everything was going as planned.

A few weeks into the third trimester, Elizabeth and Jose Villar went to her regular obstetrician appointment, hoping to hear more about when their twins would be born.

“You should expect to go full-term with your babies,” said the obstetrician, “but we may induce you a week or two earlier to guard against any complications since this is your first pregnancy.”

Social worker takes cancer diagnosis, treatments in stride

It is never easy to hear the words: “You have cancer.”

For Dana Letts, 81, the words created an image she will never forget.

“When you're diagnosed with cancer,” described Dana, “you're suddenly thrust into a very dark tunnel, disoriented, scared and unable to see any light around you.”

Retired chef stays active after successful surgeries

With all surgeries, especially when multiple surgeries are expected, it is always best to have a clear plan of action.

For John Wilkinson, 61, a retired chef at an Albuquerque restaurant, the best course of action proved to be ‘one step at a time.’

“I was referred to Dr. Mario Leyba by my doctor,” said Wilkinson. “Dr. Leyba is a caring and compassionate physician. He had a great plan for my health.”

Skydiver considers three joint replacements in one year “a miracle”

For 72-year-old Gary Faas, who worked underground for many years mining for coal and sometimes gold, there’s no better feeling than being out in the open air – especially 12,000 feet above a drop zone!

A Vietnam veteran, the Albuquerque resident is an avid skydiver with more than 400 jumps to his credit. After recovering from three joint replacement surgeries in 2022, he is looking forward to jumping again soon.

Do you snore? Lovelace Sleep Center will help you and others sleep better

It was during a hunting trip with friends when Albuquerque resident Jeffrey Jesionowski, 69, realized that he may have a snoring problem.

“I was in Illinois with two buddies hunting white-tail deer for five days,” Jeffrey said. “We stayed overnight in a hunting camp and shared a room with bunk beds for all of us. When I woke up the next morning, I looked around and saw that my buddies were gone. I found one sleeping on the bathroom floor while the other was asleep on the living room couch.

Lovelace Sleep Center helps patients sleep well, dream again

For Michael Archuleta, getting a good night’s sleep had been a hard thing to do for many years.

A nurse practitioner with a health insurance company, the 44-year-old Albuquerque resident started developing sleep issues in his 30s.

“I was just tired all the time,” said Michael. “It got to the point where I’d be talking to people and then I would suddenly doze off. Sometimes while I was driving, I would stop at a traffic light. If it lasted long enough, I would start to fall asleep in the car!”

Lovelace general surgery team gets retiree on the path to recovery

Taos resident Dennis Salazar was just a young boy when he first rode a horse on his family’s ranch.

“My dad always had horses for us to ride,” said Dennis. “I think I got on my first horse when I was 4, maybe 5-years-old.”

Now 55, Salazar has ridden horses for many years as a member of the Taos County Sheriff’s Posse, an organization that puts on rodeos, rides in parades and sometimes helps the New Mexico State Police with search & rescue operations.