
Lovelace Women’s Hospital establishes Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program to improve surgical patient outcomes

Press Release
Lovelace Women’s Hospital has announced they have formally established an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) for Colon Surgery program affiliated with the ERAS Society USA®.
As of May 1, 2017, all elective colon surgeries are included in the program. Additional surgical specialties are expected to be added in the future.

Making the Decision to Breastfeed

Deciding what and how to feed your baby is one of the first decisions that parents will encounter over their child’s lifetime. It is important that parents receive accurate and up to date information about infant nutrition to make a fully informed decision about breastfeeding. 

What is World Breastfeeding Week?

World Breastfeeding Week honors the promotion of breastfeeding support worldwide. Celebrated annually in over 120 countries around the globe, this event occurs every year between August 1 and August 7. World Breastfeeding Week commemorates the Innocenti Declaration made by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF in August 1990 to protect and support breastfeeding.

Brown bags to bento boxes: how to make the most of your lunch

You’ve been there: soggy lettuce, crusty bread, warm veggies, oozing sacks and melted chocolate….your lunch from home. Calling all brown baggers! Lunch can be fresh, appetizing, fun and nutritious using bento boxes! 

Why choose a certified midwife?

Did you know Lovelace Health System has a large midwifery service program? The Lovelace Medical Group Certified Nurse Midwives are a huge asset to obstetrics and gynecological care for our patients. But what exactly does a midwife do? How is a midwife different from an OB/GYN?

Consumer Reports Analysis: Most U.S. Hospitals’ C-Section Rates Exceeding National Targets

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports recently listed Lovelace Women's Hospital as one of the U.S. hospitals in the large hospital category with the lowest C-section rates for the second year in a row.

According to Dr. Abraham Lichtmacher, chief of women's services at Lovelace Health System:

The role of liquid calories in healthy weight goals

A calorie is a measure of the energy value of a food or drink. Liquid calories are often easier and quicker to consume and will satisfy thirst, but not hunger. Liquid calories are considered “hidden” calories because the body does not feel the same fullness from a drink as it does from solid foods.

Meal Prep 101

Becoming a #Foodie can help you meet your #HealthyWeight goals. We are getting smarter and about our food choices and there are many great resources for health-minded families. However, it can be hard to make healthy meals when we are busy. Spending a couple of hours at the beginning of the week to plan, buy, clean, prepare and portion out meals can not only reduce the temptation to mindlessly snack, but it can also help you save money since you won’t have to buy food on the go.

16 large hospitals with the lowest C-section rates

Becker's Hospital Review

Lovelace Women's Hospital was named to a list in Consumer Reports of large hospitals with the lowest rates of cesarean section in the U.S. Becker's Hospital Review reiterated the findings in a short article, which you can read below. 

Lovelace, UNM Medical Group celebrate opening of new rehab hospital with ribbon cutting ceremony

Earlier this summer, Lovelace Health Systems and UNM Medical Group celebrated the opening of the new Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital with a ribbon cutting ceremony. This facility offers cutting-edge technologies and brings more comprehensive rehabilitation services to patients. ““I think with the academic mission of the university along with the great care that we do here at the rehab hospital, we’ll be able to make our programs more efficient and more cost effective,” said Derrick Jones, CEO of the Lovelace-UNM Rehab Hospital.