December 6, 2017
Addictions vs. Bad Habits
Many of us engage in habits and routines that become second nature to us. Actions like waking up at a certain time or biting our nails are habits we either create or fall into. How do you tell the difference between an unhealthy habit and an addiction? This can be difficult since both are... Read MoreNovember 29, 2017
Adoption – Another Word for Love
“I gave my Heart away I couldn’t bear to lose you But I couldn’t keep you fed I couldn’t be the Mom you’d need So I picked one out instead I trusted her to do for you What I shouldn’t do alone So I kissed your cheek and bid you well And gave my Heart a home... Read MoreNovember 16, 2017
Lovelace leader shares career pivot that led to nursing career
At the heart of nursing is a genuine desire to help people. That desire originally led Lovelace Medical Center Assistant Chief Nursing Officer, Bobby Bluford, RN, into ministry work. “I wanted to reach out to people and help them,” he adds. “I wanted to make a difference and have... Read MoreNovember 15, 2017
Flu season: Who is at risk
On October 25, 2017, the New Mexico Department of Health officially announced the start of influenza (flu) season in our state. Enhanced flu precautions begin when there are high numbers influenza cases in our community, or when illness from the flu is severe. These precautions are to support the... Read MoreNovember 15, 2017
Understanding genetic risk
All nuts are seeds, but not all seeds are nuts. That’s how it feels when trying to explain the differences between genetic, inherited and genetically predisposed. It gets really confusing, really quickly. Let’s reference this basic chart to help our understanding. ... Read MoreNovember 8, 2017
It’s all relative: Why is learning your family’s health history important?
Your family health history is a record of health conditions and treatments that you, your partner and each of your families have experienced. This information can help you find out if there are common medical issues in your families that may affect you or your children. Knowing your health... Read MoreNovember 6, 2017
In Honor of our Veterans
Thank you Veterans In honor of Veterans Day on November 11, we would like to recognize Lovelace employees who have served our country in the armed forces. Lovelace Medical Center Shalena Bailey, U.S. Navy Amber Brackett, U.S. Air Force Tracey L. Cashman, U.S. Air Force Greg Clark, U.S. Marines John... Read MoreOctober 26, 2017
Lovelace Leadership Series with Lovelace Medical Center's Jarren Garrett
In the words of a man who embraced change, engaged the people around him and elicited self-discipline to emerge as one of America’s most influential historical figures and a founding father, “Well done is better than well said.” What Benjamin Franklin intended of that statement... Read MoreOctober 18, 2017