Heart attacks are often portrayed with dramatic flair – someone clutching their chest and falling to the ground. While chest pain is a symptom of a heart attack, there are several other symptoms that indicate someone is having a cardiac episode.
Symptoms are dependent on sex, age and medical conditions. Both men and woman can experience shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness and diaphoresis (excessive sweating) when experiencing a heart attack. For the elderly, chest pain, unexplained dyspnea, syncope, unexplained confusion and/or change in mental status could also occur as a result of a heart attack.
Keep you and your loved ones safe by learning all the symptoms so you can be prepared to call 911.
If you or someone near you is experiencing the symptoms of a cardiac event, it’s always best to call 911. First responders are equipped to handle medical emergencies and will give someone experiencing a heart attack their best chance of survival. Never drive yourself, or have a friend or family member drive, if you are experiencing these symptoms.
If you're experiencing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 and ask to be taken to Heart Hospital of New Mexico.