
August 15, 2012

Lovelace Health System Kicks Off United Way Campaign

The Lovelace United Way campaign kicks of August 20. Here are five questions with Lovelace United Way Campaign Chairman, Ron Prager. What is the goal for Lovelace’s contribution to the United Way campaign?
This year’s goal is to exceed last year’s total by 5%.   Last year Lovelace...
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August 14, 2012

Shark Week Returns: What We Can Learn from a Shark's Diet

This is the 25th anniversary of Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week.” The popular show has become a viewing frenzy for fans who have an up-close look at one of the most feared animals in their natural habitat. From the comfort of living rooms, 20+ million viewers peer into the daily... Read More
August 8, 2012

Back to School Basics: Overall Health Checklist

It is that time of year again. Parents, teachers and children are starting a new year with freshly sharpened pencils, clean sheets of paper and expectations that this school year will be a great one. It is also that time of year when hundreds of children fill the halls at the first bell, leaving... Read More
July 19, 2012

A Summer of Giving: Lovelace Junior Volunteers

It is a cup of coffee delivered to a family member in the surgery waiting area. It could be a smile from a nurse at the end of their shift. It may even be a completely different view of what a hospital is really like. These are the moments and experiences gained during a summer spent at Lovelace... Read More
July 18, 2012

Bronchial Thermoplasty is now being offered at Lovelace Women’s Hospital.

Bronchial Thermoplasty is a procedure for the treatment of severe persistent asthma in patients 18 year or older whose asthma is not well controlled with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta medications. The procedure uses thermal energy to reduce the excessive airway smooth muscle... Read More
July 17, 2012

Preschool TV Habits Linked to 4th-Grade Waist Size, Fitness

The amount of TV preschoolers watch seems to contribute to what their waist size and athletic abilities will be when they reach fourth grade, researchers report. The study, from researchers at the University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Mother and Child University Hospital in Canada, found that... Read More
July 13, 2012

Introducing Labor of Love

Recently Lovelace Health System introduced a new program to expectant mothers in New Mexico called Labor of Love.  Through this free program, members can enjoy not only no cost perks, such as prenatal yoga classes and mommy message to name a few, but also the peace of mind that someone is... Read More
July 10, 2012

What is Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a condition that includes the presence of a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), metabolic syndrome significantly raises the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and/or stroke.... Read More
July 9, 2012

Troy Greer Named New CEO at Lovelace Medical Center

Troy Greer, Chief Executive Officer at Lovelace Westside Hospital, has been named the new CEO at Lovelace Medical Center, effective today. David Nevill has determined that he will not return from medical leave. He has given his support to be a part of a smooth transition of leadership. We thank... Read More
July 5, 2012

Should Your Child's Cholesterol Be Checked?

If you, your parents, or your parents' siblings had a heart attack before age 55 and you have a child, this advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) might surprise you: Have your child's cholesterol tested.
Under certain circumstances, the AAP says, cholesterol-lowering diets,...
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