
What nutrients are we really getting from our meats?

The consensus on meat-eating in terms of its affects on health never seems to be clear. Some folks decide never to eat it; some only eat certain kinds of meat and some opt not to think about it and just eat anything. We decided to ask our resident dietician Teresa Anderson, CDE once and for all: what do we need to know about eating meat?
“When we purchase meat we are generally thinking protein,” she told us.

Sleeve Revision at Lovelace Bariatrics

Berna Woods, 58, is a proud grandmother, but as much as she wanted to get down on the ground or chase around her giggling grandchildren, she knew she couldn’t be as involved as she had wanted. “I was on the floor playing with them and I couldn’t get up,” Berna recalls. “I slipped and sprained my wrist. I realized I needed to lose weight.” Looking back, Berna admits there were other moments she felt her weight was holding her back, like the mission trip to Thailand in 2007.

A miracle five-months in the making at the NICU

The neo-natal intensive care unit (NICU) is truly a place where miracles happen. Nobody ever wants to have a baby in the NICU, but if we do, we need to know we are in good hands. We are more than proud of our staff at the NICU at Lovelace Women’s Hospital, where stories like Rebecca and Gunner Mitchell’s remind us just how miraculous a NICU can be. 
The Mitchells were pregnant with twins, and when Rebecca’s water broke at 23 weeks, she was put on bed rest for two weeks.

2015 Nursing in Excellence Awards

Congratulations to these Lovelace nurses on their nomination for the 2015 Nursing in Excellence awards!

Maria Atencio
Mgmt/Emerging Leader
Lovelace Medical Center

Candice Bethoney
Lovelace Women's Hospital

Keeping Halloween candy a treat rather than a habit

Halloween is almost here, and with that comes an overload of candy. While we still want our children to enjoy this holiday, the gluttony of candy is nearly inevitable. Do you ever wonder what a candy binge eating can do to your child? Here is what our resident dietician Teresa Anderson, CDE has to say.
“Certainly eating handfuls of Halloween candy for three days straight is really not something I’m happy with, but if your kids are healthy it’s not my biggest concern. They are probably going to be fine the one time.

Lovelace Westside Hospital earns national recognition for distinction in bariatric surgery

Press Release

ALBUQUERQUE – October 23, 2015 – Lovelace Westside Hospital has been named a Blue Distinction Center for Bariatric Surgery® from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico for demonstrating better overall quality of care and patient results in bariatric surgery.

Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital wins HealthStream Award of Excellence

Press Release

ALBUQUERQUE – October 20, 2015 – Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital has announced that they were honored with the “Most Improved” award for a small rehabilitation hospital by the HealthStream Awards of Excellence in the Excellence Through Insight category. Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital was recognized in the overall employee satisfaction and engagement section.

Nurse shares decision to have weight loss surgery

Vikky Donaldson, RN, has worked in health care with Johns Hopkins University at the Center for American Indian Health for 14 years. More than just caring for patients, through her work in pediatric vaccine research, she has been able to affect the health of people around the world. “It is a very rewarding and exciting job,” she says. Yet, when it came to her own health, Vikky admits she has struggled with her weight her entire life. “I’m a very good dieter.

Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day in health care

Tuesday, October 13 was Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Lovelace is considered to be the first computer programmer, as she worked with a friend, Charles Babbage, on his “Analytical Engine” in 1842, and essentially wrote “programs” for the machine. Few people know that what is now considered to be a male-dominated field was technically pioneered by a woman.

5 tips to reduce your chances of developing breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Although we may not be able to completely prevent breast cancer, the risk can at least be reduced. Here’s how: 
Physical activity - Healthy, physical activity is great for a lot reasons – heart, lungs, metabolism – and yes, even in reducing breast cancer risk.