Lovelace Health System will hold its 5th Annual “Don’t Bug Me” Flu event on Wed, Oct. 30 at Adobe Acres Elementary School from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The school is located 1724 Camino Del Valle SW.
More than 40 third graders will learn proper hand washing techniques and receive information on flu prevention from health professionals, including an APS school nurse. There will also be a demonstration on how germs spread with Glo Germ and a black light.
The event will launch a public awareness campaign for Albuquerque Public Elementary Schools and local area businesses on preventing the spread of the flu. Elementary school children are the primary targets for the campaign because of their propensity to transmit flu viruses. The campaign includes free flu information that is being distributed to all APS elementary schools.
All materials developed for schools, businesses and the public are available for free at www.lovelace.com. The materials include a “gross” fact sheet about the flu and a coloring book that has simple, direct messages to teach children how to prevent spreading the flu; web links on flu prevention; and posters and flyers are available for download.