The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program that was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 1991 to promote, support, and encourage breastfeeding. BFHI recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding. Lovelace Women’s Hospital is proud to be among these hospitals recognized as Baby-Friendly.
Why did we seek Baby-Friendly designation?
This designation is just one more way for Lovelace Women's Hospital to promote and support your decision to breastfeed. We currently offer the following resources for moms who decide to breastfeed:
• Lovelace Women's Hospital offers the Loving Hour to promote bonding and help initiate breastfeeding. During this time, your newborn will be placed on your chest immediately after birth and you will spend the first hour skin-to-skin.
• Nursing and medical staff at Lovelace Women's Hospital are specially trained to help support the breastfeeding partnership between mom and baby, family and community.
• The Lactation Services team has RN International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants, Certified Lactation Consultants and educators to support families in their breastfeeding journey.
• We offer rooming-in, or couplet care, for well newborns to help families learn to care for their baby, promote bonding and support breastfeeding.
• We offer ongoing support and resources to breastfeeding moms, such as prenatal classes, our new parent groups and outpatient lactation appointments, if desired.
Breastmilk is the optimal nutrition for your newborn and it will give your baby a great start to a healthy future. Our goal is to help you provide the best nutrition for your baby. We recognize that breastfeeding is not always easy. For moms and babies who are unable to breastfeed, we can provide support and education on utilizing supplemental nursing systems to provide many of the benefits in an alternate manner.
If you have any questions or need help, you may contact Lovelace Women's Hospital Lactation Services by calling 727.6797.
Submitted by Terry Paez RN, IBCLC. Lovelace Lactation Services, Lovelace Women's Hospital.