September 24, 2013
Turning Back the Clock - New Research on Reversing Aging
We have control over how quickly or slowly we age, according to new research. The study, published in The Lancet: Oncology, found a healthy lifestyle can lengthen our telomeres - the caps on the end of our chromosomes which control the aging process at the cellular level. Longer telomeres protect... Read MoreSeptember 12, 2013
Two Things to Cut Women’s Risk of Cancer
What if you could dramatically reduce your risk of developing cancer by adhering to two principles? The American Institute of Cancer Research estimates nearly 30,000 women in the United States could be spared of endometrial cancer – affecting as many as 50,000 women a year – if they exercise for 30... Read MoreSeptember 5, 2013
Saving 200,000 Lives – Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke Deaths
Heart disease and stroke deaths don’t have to happen. That is the finding of a report from the CDC stating that more than 200,000 deaths in 2010 were preventable. While progress has been made since 2001, with the number of preventable heart disease and stroke deaths decreasing by 30 percent, health... Read MoreAugust 30, 2013
A Special Place in Her Heart for Lovelace Women's Hospital NICU - Make that Two
Once a year, Lovelace Women’s Hospital welcomes families and former patients for a reunion unlike any other. As they unload out of cars with strollers, diaper bags, blankets, and bottles, those who were once our smallest of patients come back for an opportunity to see the doctors, nurses and staff... Read MoreAugust 26, 2013
New Mexico’s Own Hatch Chile – A Healthy Hot Bite
Known across the country for its chile peppers, Hatch Valley, N.M., is a spot on the map known well to foodies searching for the “it” ingredient of signature chile rellenos, chile verde and enchilada dishes. Even if you don’t consider yourself a foodie, you are if you live in New Mexico, where the... Read MoreAugust 12, 2013
When Accidents Happen - Kid Kare ER at Lovelace Westside Hospital
Bumps and bruises happen when you are a kid, but did you know an estimated 23 million children under the age of 15 head into the ER for medical treatment? Of those admitted, 7 million children are seen for accidental injuries and Safe Kids Worldwide announced this week 1.35 million children end up... Read MoreJuly 26, 2013
Greeting at the Door – Why Lovelace Leadership are Spending Less Time in the Office
There’s nothing quite like arriving at a bustling hotel, bags in hand, your energy worn by travel and immediately hearing the words, “Hello, we’ve been expecting you.” All of a sudden, this new place feels more familiar – the people more welcoming. A deep breath later and a sense of comfort and... Read MoreJuly 23, 2013
Injuries on the Rise from TVs Falling on Children
Do you have a flat screen TV? Is mounted on the wall or sitting on top of a dresser? Your child’s safety could depend on it. New research finds that every three weeks, another child dies from a TV tipping over onto them. The rate of injury is on the rise. Over the last 22 years, the rate of... Read MoreJuly 18, 2013