Monthly archive

Health Care Volunteer Appreciation Week – Thank you!

Author Elizabeth Berg simply states, “There is incredible value in being of service to others.” For those who volunteer know, they often receive more than they give. We celebrate all our Lovelace volunteers, who so graciously give of their time and talents, this Health Care Volunteer Appreciation Week and recognize their dedication to our patients, visitors and staff. Thank you for all you do!

100 Hours of Service

Lovelace Westside Hospital

Laura Anaya

Rachel Denedittis

Gaylene Harms 

Lovelace Women’s Hospital 

New Therapy Helps Parkinson's Patients with Speech and Vocal Loudness

Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital is proud to offer a new therapy for patients with Parkinson’s Disease, which can help improve the volume and clarity of their speech. Kerry Worthing, M.S. CCC-SLP, an Outpatient Speech-Language Pathologist at Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital, is certified to practice LSVT LOUD, a Lee Silverman Voice Therapy. “Impairments in voice and speech are very prevalent in individuals with Parkinson Disease,” she explains.

Consumer Reports' Top Rated Hospitals for Safety - Lovelace Westside Hospital

We are proud to announce that Lovelace Westside Hospital was listed in a recent Consumer Reports: Top Rating Hospitals for Safety. We were among the top 15 in the nation, from a total of 2,591 reporting hospitals. The report data source is from CMS relating to prior reports on mortality, re-admissions, scanning, infections, and communication. The reporting used published studies between 2008 - 2011.

Celebrating Certified Nurse Day

Please join us in recognizing our certified nursing staff at Lovealce Medical Center, Lovelace Women's Hospital and Lovelace Westside Hospital on Certified Nurse Day March 19. 


Lovelace Medical Center


Wound Care

Christina Vigil

Teresa Wright

Elizabeth Weston



Yolanda Alcantar



Robin Biven

Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital Hosts Brain Injury Seminars

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, a time self-advocates, family and volutneers, along with the Brain Injury Association of America and providers like Lovelace Rehabilitiation Hospital remind the public a brain injury can happen to anyone at any time. Across the country, more than 2.4 million people suffer a brain injury each year. Having access to care as early as possible is critical for treatment and recovery to as high of quality of life as possible following injury or illness.

Minute with a Midwife – What to do once you found out you’re pregnant

Christina Chaney, CNM, MSN, is a certified nurse midwife with Lovelace Medical Group. Today she is joining us on the blog “Minute with a Midwife,” answering questions many expectant mothers ask. 

Congratulations! You just found out that you’re pregnant, but you haven’t had your first prenatal appointment yet. What should you do to ensure the best start for your baby and your health? If you are not already taking a prenatal vitamin, it’s time to start.

Your Questions Answered - Children and Immunizations

Lovelace Medical Group pediatrician Dr. Felipe Zanghellini answers parent’s common questions about immunizations today on our blog.

What Life Looks Like After a Heart Attack

Each year, nearly three-quarters of a million Americans suffer a heart attack and for the majority, it is a first-time heart attack. Knowing what you will face after surviving a heart attack brings anxiety, confusion and growing list of questions. How will your life change? Will you be able to go back to work? Do you have to completely change the way you eat?

Q & A – Your Child and the Flu Shot

Lovelace Medical Group’s Dr. Felipe Zanghellini answers your questions about keeping your child protected from the flu with the flu shot. Dr. Zanghellini is board certified in general pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease.

At what age should children start getting the flu shot?

Cervical Cancer – Are you doing enough to protect yourself?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths for women in the United States with more than 12,000 new cases diagnosed each year leading to more than 4,000 deaths. While it is one of the most difficult to detect early, it is also one of the most treatable when found it the earliest stages through screening. Cervical cancer is also largely preventable by vaccinating against one of the most common causes – human papilloma virus (HPV).

Nutritional Jumpstart for the New Year

Director of Lovelace Bariatrics Dr. Duc Vuong appeared on "KASA This Morning" Wednesday to talk about eating health for the New Year. For those who indulged a bit too much over the holiday, Dr. Vuong shared a recipe with anchor Elizabeth Alvarez of a juice you can make at home with a juicer or blender. A fresh, homemade juice made of whole fruits and vegetables is a great way to make sure you get your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Here is the recipe for the juice Dr. Vuong made, featuring superfood kale.

2013 Lovelace Awards and Recognitions

From patient care, to place of employment and praise for our leadership, 2013 was a year marked with both local and national recognition for Lovelace. We would like to thank everyone who works to make Lovelace a great place for our patients, visitors, employees, and community. “These awards are a reflection of our commitment to high quality care,” said Ron Stern, President and CEO, Lovelace Health System. “Our employees, staff and providers are dedicated to serving our community with exceptional patient care and offering services that meet the needs of our community and state.”

Top 10 Lovelace Stories of 2013

As the year comes to a close, we take a look back at the stories we shared with you here on our blog and social media channels to see what tops the list. In addition to celebrating the arrivals of our youngest patients with their parents in our growing Born at Lovelace Facebook photo album, 2013 was a year marked by milestones, special recognition for our hospitals and employees and amazing community events.

Common Breastfeeding Questions Answered

Whether you are a first-time mother or experienced, there are many questions surrounding breastfeeding. Lovelace lactation consultant Teresa Paez, RN, BSN, IBCLC is answering some of the most common questions mothers ask her about breastfeeding today on the blog.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough when breastfeeding?  

Lovelace Medical Center Helps Roswell Teen’s Wish Come True

Lovelace Medical Center was proud to sponsor a 17-year-old girl’s wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

Best Chance of Living Disease-Free? Researchers Identify 5 Behaviors

Heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes are among the top leading causes of death in the U.S. These are often chronic conditions greatly impacting quality of life for several years. What if you could protect yourself, and live a disease-free life? Researchers say they have identified the five behaviors, which may afford you that ability and they are: regular exercise, non-smoker, low body weight, healthy diet, and low alcohol intake.

Combating Holiday Heart with a Plan

From more gatherings to more food and drinks than usual, Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day is the time of year, which can be particularly harmful to your health. Shorter days mean we are less likely to exercise, and booked social calendars mean we are more likely to indulge. That simple equation can lead to a condition coined "Holiday Heart Syndrome", and it isn’t as cheerful as it sounds.

National Diabetes Awareness Month

“Diabetes doesn’t stop.” That is the message from the American Diabetes Association during the month of November, National Diabetes Awareness Month. 26 million children and adults in the US are living with diabetes today. Nearly 80 million people are living with a leading risk factor – prediabetes.

New Statin Guidelines and What This Means For You

New recommendations were announced Tuesday by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. They say an estimated 31 percent of Americans could benefit from the use of statin drugs. That figure is more than double the current percentage (15 percent) of Americans taking these medications to lower their cholesterol. The recommendation, which is based on a four-year review of data, aims to simplify the multi-process evaluation for people who should be taking statins.  

Showcasing the New Mexico Landscape at Lovelace Women’s Hospital

It is no accident Lovelace Women’s Hospital was recently ranked No. 3 on Modern Healthcare’sBest Places to Work in Healthcare. Creating and supporting an environment fostering pride and purpose in patient care has been very intentional from the hospital’s leadership. It is evident when you walk the halls, meet the people and receive a warm welcome.