Lovelace Women’s Hospital NICU Reunion

Once a year, Lovelace Women’s Hospital welcomes former Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients back for a reunion unlike any other. It is a time for NICU graduates and their families to reunite with the team that cared for their precious little ones in the NICU. On this day, we celebrate the miracles that were once tiny babies, now growing toddlers and children filled with spirit and personality.

While we won’t be celebrating your children’s milestones in-person this year, the nurses and staff in the NICU at Lovelace Women’s Hospital have put together a library of videos to help support new parents. They cover topics including skin-to-skin, early literacy and more!

Follow our social media pages to see an encouraging message from some of our NICU nurses and photos of some familiar faces. We welcome you to comment on our posts and share any updates on your NICU babies and children!