ahs-admin's blog

Lovelace Women’s Hospital Now Offering Micro-laparoscopy

Lovelace Women’s Hospital is the only hospital in New Mexico offering a new micro-laparoscopy technique for gallbladder removal, hysterectomy, tubal ligation and endometriosis cell removal. This new technique is a virtually scarless laparoscopic procedure using micro instruments.

Inpatient Rehab Provides Better Outcome, Study Finds

The largest study of its kind to date finds that patients who are treated in inpatient rehabilitation hospitals go home faster, stay home longer and live longer than those who are treated at a nursing home, or skilled nursing facility. “This is confirmation of the quality data and outcomes that we have been producing at Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital,” shares Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital CEO Derrick Jones.

When Every Minute Matters – Surviving a Severe Heart Attack

Willie Salazar, 59, was scheduled for a stress test following two weeks of chest pain. “It was a stingy pain that wouldn’t let me breathe,” he describes. That stress test never happened. May 16, 2014 Willie was home alone when the chest pain returned and did not go away. “It got stronger and stronger. I got dizzy and didn’t know where I was." 

Lovelace Care Concierge Program Eases Patient Access to Providers

Lovelace Health System launched the Lovelace Care Concierge program in 2014 as a way to help patients connect with health care providers more easily following hospitalization. First available to TRICARE members at Kirtland Air Force Base, followed by Molina, the program is now available to anyone newly insured. Lovelace Westside Hospital CNO and COO Nancye Cole says this program will transform the patient experience and help improve their health care. “The ‘standard’ in the health care arena is for patients to find and make their own appointments with providers,” shares Nancye.

Treating Aphasia and Regaining Communication after Stroke

Speech Language Pathology Manager at Lovelace Rehabilitation Hospital, Jennie Saavedra Duran, M.S., CCC-SLP joins us today to talk about a common communication disorder many stroke patients face to better understand Aphasia and how speech therapy can help both patients and their loved ones.

Gaining Life Back One Step at a Time

Families of loved ones who have suffered from a devastating stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) remember exactly when life changed for them. All of the sudden the person who was vibrant, talkative and active is now facing the challenge of getting back to that life with an unforeseen path of obstacles in front of them. They may not be able to communicate. They may have lost mobility.

Every 40 Seconds – Recognizing Stroke Month with Award-Winning Stroke Care

Yolanda Alcantar, CNRN, Nurse Manager at Lovelace Medical Center shares Lovelace Medical Center’s recent recognition by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and how this is improving outcomes for stroke patients.

Should you take a daily aspirin during pregnancy?

Could a daily “baby” aspirin help ensure the safe delivery of healthy babies? Recent research examines what role aspirin may play in both reducing the risk of miscarriage, as well as reducing the risk of developing preeclampsia later in pregnancy. However, health care providers also warn expectant mothers, or those who are trying to conceive, not to start taking aspirin daily before talk to their provider. Chief of Women’s Services at Lovelace, Dr. Abraham Lichtmacher explains what this latest research means for women considering getting pregnant.

Skip the ER? Treating Foot and Ankle Wounds in the Clinic

Accidents and injuries happen. In fact, injuries to the foot and ankle are happening more often as our aging population continues to lead active lifestyles.