
Holiday Guests: Keep Them Healthy and Happy

Getting together with friends and family is the best part of this season. If you have the responsibility of hosting guests, you’ve got a lot to plan to make sure your guests are happy and comfortable. Making sure everyone is healthy should also be at the top of your priorities.

There are many to promote healthy habits and create a safe environment for all your house guests. Follow these tips and you’ll have each room guest-ready!


Dr. Richard Roche on How He Forms Meaningful Patient Relationships

Patient-centered care is the top priority at Lovelace Health System, because focusing on providing quality care to each patient that comes through the doors is vital to successfully treating patients. Over the years, Dr. Richard Roche, internal medicine physician, has made it his mission to develop his approach to patient visits, ensuring that patients not only get the best treatment, but that they also have an experience where they feel listened to and treated with the utmost respect and care.