Join us as we hear from Aaron Geswaldo, D.O., F.A.C.O.S., urologist with Lovelace Medical Group, as he explains the symptoms of lower urinary tract issues in men and the treatment options available. You or your loved one doesn’t need to suffer!
BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, commonly known as an enlarged prostate, affects over 40% of men in their 50’s and 70% of men in their 60’s. Symptoms range from frequent need to urinate or weak or slow urinary stream to a sense of not being able to completely empty your bladder, difficulty or delay starting urination or urgent need to urinate and stream that starts and stops. Dr. Geswaldo explains how he not only treats the symptoms, but corrects the cause of the disease.
Dr. Geswaldo is a board-certified urologist and has practiced in New Mexico since 2005. He provides evaluation and surgical treatment of diseases and conditions that affect the male and female urinary tract (kidney, ureter, and bladder) and the male reproductive system. His goal is to help his patients lead active, productive lives by addressing their medical and surgical needs.
For additional Information about Lovelace Urology services click here.
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