Steps to Fight the Flu

The holiday season is upon us and so is flu season! Although the duration of flu season can vary, influenza activity can begin as early as October and last as long as May. As we find ourselves in the midst of flu season, keep these precautions in mind to ensure the health and safety of you and your family.

Prevent the spread of germs

Encourage proper hygiene in your household. Set a good example by teaching proper hand-washing techniques to children. Avoid large crowds, close contact with sick people and touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue and then throw away immediately. When you can’t make it to the sink to wash your hands, keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer handy.

Don’t wait to vaccinate

The flu is more than a common cold or sickness, and exposure to any of the flu viruses and can lead to hospitalization or even death. Although children, pregnant women and older adults are high-risk for flu complications, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages everyone to get vaccinated- sooner rather than later.

One of the biggest misconceptions regarding the flu is that once flu season begins, it’s too late to get vaccinated. This is not true. Get your flu shot before the flu catches up to you. According to the CDC, flu vaccination reduces the risk of influenza illness by 30% to 60% among the overall population when the vaccine viruses are like the ones spreading in the community. Keep in mind that it takes two weeks for your body to respond to vaccination and during that time, you are still susceptible to being exposed to influenza.

With many more weeks of influenza activity expected for this flu season, don’t wait to get vaccinated. Call 505.727.2727 to schedule your flu shot today.